Untitled (head falling 01)
by Diego Marcon, 2015, 10'''

Courtesy of the artist 


Schermo dell'Arte - Archivio Film

  Presented at Lo schermo dell'arte 2021 in occasion of the exhibition Directing the Real: Artists’ Film and Video in the 2010s
The film is part of VISIO – European Programme on Artists’ Moving Images - 6th edition

Untitled (head falling 01) is part of a series of five short animated pieces conceived as loops, in which the first frame overlaps with the last one. Five nodding-offs; five heads shown in the moment of falling asleep and waking up again. The films are made by painting directly onto 16mm clear leader with fabric and permanent ink, then scratched with engraving needles.

Diego Marcon 


Diego Marconi is born in Busto Arsizio, in 1985. He lives and works in Milan. He graduated in film editing at the Scuola Civica di Cinema, Televisione e Nuovi Media of Milan and got a degree in Visual Arts at the IUAV University of Venice. His research focuses on the relation between reality and representation, investigating the ontology of the moving image and itsppossibility to be a tool of knowledge of the real.


Selected Filmography
Il Malatino  2015 
Untitled (All Pigs Must Die)  2014 Interlude (Introducing Dick the Stick)  2013 Por Vous Beaux Yeaux  2011 Litania  2010 Storie di Fantasmi per Adulti 



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