Just 1 poem
by Eleonora Luccarini, Italy, Netherlands 2021, 7'
7’26’’, 2021. Courtesy the artist

Schermo dell'Arte - Archivio Film    Presented at Lo schermo dell'arte 2021 in occasion of the exhibition Thinking Beyond – Moving Images for a Post-Pandemic World
The film is part of VISIO – European Programme on Artists’ Moving Images - 10th edition

Just 1 poem is part of an interdisciplinary project related to writing as a performative practice, entirely structured on the identity of the poet Léonard Santé, a heterosexual cisgender male alter ego of the artist. Santé is the tool used by the artist to portray a certain kind of masculinity that struggles to deconstruct itself and its subtle misogynistic traits. Melancholia by Lars Von Trier is the title of the poem performed by Santé’s CGI character, and works as a reference to the constant precarity of existence. The composition is included in the collection Léonard Santé, 13 poems through which the poet, thus the artist, tries to understand his complex and contradictory relationship with emotional vulnerability, gender, sexuality, religion, future and family expectations.

Eleonora Luccarini (1993, Italy. Lives and works in Amsterdam) studied at the Academy of Fine Arts in Bologna, UniversitaĂŚâ‚Ź IUAV di Venezia and Sandberg Institute, where she is currently enrolled. She recently participated in Live Arts Week X festival curated by XING and in the residency project Nuovo Forno del Pane at MAMbo – Museo d’Arte Moderna di Bologna. She has exhibited at Fondazione Sandretto Re Rebaudengo (2021), Quadriennale di Roma (2020), OGR Torino (2020), Cripta747, Torino (2020), Anonima Kunsthalle, Varese (2018) and LOCALEDUE, Bologna (2017). In 2019, she was selected among the participants of the summer school School of Expressions held by Valentinas KlimasĂŚĹ’auskas, Viktoria Draganova, Julie Béna, Zuzanna Czebatul, Pavel Sterec and Wojciech Kosma at PLATO in Ostrava (CZ). The same year she took part in the workshop New Methods held by Amalia Ulman at UniversitaĂŚâ‚Ź IUAV di Venezia.

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