Ίκαρος (Icarus)
by Giorgio Andreotta Calò, Italy, Netherlands 2021, 30â₏'

Giorgio Andreotta Calò

  CAST: Bart Coppens, Enzo Moretto
PHOTOGRAPHY: Stefano Croci   PRODUCER: Into Nature, Studio Giorgio Andreotta Calò
EDITING: Giorgio Andreotta Calò, Germano Maccioni   LANGUAGE: Inglese
SOUND: Paul Behnam, Emanuele Wiltsch Barberio
MUSIC: Emanuele Wiltsch Barberio

Schermo dell'Arte - Archivio Film Presented at the 15th edition of Lo schermo dell'arte, 2022

Îκαρος (Icarus) is the first medium-length film by artist Giorgio Andreotta Calò. Set inside the former Butterfly Pavilion of the Rensenpark in Emmen (Netherlands), the work stages a symbolic act that precedes the building's demolition in 2021. For the last time, the structure is inhabited by a huge colony of moths. Based on Ovid's myth of Daedalus and Icarus, the film triggers an extensive metamorphosis of symbols, places and protagonists. Dedalus is Enzo Moretto, an expert entomologist. Icarus is Bart Coppens, a young YouTuber and self-taught entomologist. Between documentary and performance, the film follows the rhythm of day and night: the shots of the study and scientific observation of these insects are intertwined with a dreamlike vision suspended between reality and mythical narration.

Giorgio Andreotta Calò

(Venice, 1979, lives and works between Italy and the Netherlands). His recent solo exhibitions include: Galleria Zero, Milan (2022); LabOratorio degli Angeli, Bologna (2021); Pirelli HangarBicocca, Milan (2019); Oude Kerk, Amsterdam (2018). He participated in several international expositions such as the Padiglione Italia at the 57th Biennale di Venezia (2017); 16th Quadriennale d'Arte in Rome (2016); 54th Biennale di Venezia (2011). In 2014 he won the New York Prize and the MAXXI Bulgari Prize in 2012.

Selected Filmography

2015 in girum imus nocte

Image credits:

Giorgio Andreotta Calò e ZERO...

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