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A Sod State

by Eoghan Ryan
Ireland, Netherlands, 2021, 22′
Presented at Lo schermo dell’arte 2021 in occasion of the exhibition Thinking Beyond – Moving Images for a Post-Pandemic World The film is part of VISIO – European Programme on Artists’ Moving Images – 10th edition
UHD video, 22’4’’, 2021. Courtesy the artist
A Sod State deals with pre and post Brexit troubles in Northern Ireland as a repetitive political theatre, using it as a way to talk about binaries, conflicts and confusions of the human condition. The work reflects on the effects of being constantly exposed to a narrative of violence built through images and stereotypes and reinforced by a combination of religious beliefs, pop culture and state politics. By questioning also the role of art and the media, Ryan imagines a space where existing perceptions and the violence of having to choose dissolves.
Eoghan Ryan (1987, Ireland. Lives and works in Amsterdam) engages moving images, installation, performance, sculpture and collage as sets or episodes to deal with the disintegration of language. His research stems from a need to co-habit, over-identify and subvert the western canon and re-apply it for immediate social engagement. Ryan’s moving image works exist in the gap between public space and private trauma. His works has been exhibited at Foundation Pernot Ricard, Paris; Kunstervein Freiburg, the Irish Museum of Modern Art, Dublin; South London Gallery; Rowing, London; 427, Riga; Spike, Berlin; Serralves Museum, Porto; IFI, Dublin; Outpost, Norwich; Kem, Warsaw; Cubitt, London; Kim? Contemporary, Riga; Plastik Moving Image Festival, Dublin; CAC, Vilnius; Catalyst Arts, Belfast; BDP, Berlin; New Shelter Plan, Copenhagen; EEFF, London; FACT, Liverpool amongst others. Ryan recently completed his residency at the Rijksakademie van Beeldende Kunsten.