European Programme on Artists’ Moving Images

Lo schermo dell’arte presents the thirteenth edition of the VISIO – European Programme on Artists’ Moving Images, a research, residency and production programme dedicated to artists who use moving images in their artistic practice. 

The project, curated by Leonardo Bigazzi, will be held in Florence as part of the 17th Lo schermo dell’arte – Cinema and Contemporary Art Festival (November 13 – 17, 2024). The 8 participants will be young European-based artists who work with moving images; they will be selected through an open call promoted in collaboration with some of Europe’s leading art academies and artist residencies.

The deadline to apply is Tuesday, July 9th, 2024. 

VISIO includes the VISIO Production Fund, a €35,000 production fund conceived in partnership with Centro per l’Arte Contemporanea Luigi Pecci (Prato), Fondazione In Between Art Film (Rome), and FRAC Bretagne (Rennes).
Thanks to the support of Human Company, a historic enterprise and reference point in Italy for open air hospitality, the VISIO Production Fund 2024 has been increased by €5,000 and, for the first time, reimbursement of participating artists’ travel expenses will be provided.

Eight artists will be selected and invited to Florence and will have the opportunity to develop their own original project in dialogue with international curators and producers. Sharing and exchange between participants and professionals are facilitated by an intensive programme of mentoring sessions, round tables and individual meetings. Funds will eventually be awarded to three artists who will work with Leonardo Bigazzi, and Lo schermo dell’arte team, to produce the works and premiere them at the Festival in 2025. An artist’s edition of each of the works produced will become part of the permanent collection of the project’s partner institutions, which are committed to promote and exhibit them in the following years.

The artists honoured in the previous editions are: Gerard Ortín Castellví, Andro Eradze, Timoteus Anggawan Kusno, Simon Liu, Valentin Noujaïm, Maryam Tafakory, Yuyan Wang. 

VISIO – European Programme on Artists’ Moving Images has a four-part structure:

1. Mentoring Sessions

Critical sessions and one-to-one meetings will be organised with the aim of developing the projects presented by the participating artists. The invited curators will have the opportunity to study the proposals in depth before the start of the programme and then discuss the various aspects of the productions with the artists. The mentors for this edition are: Fernanda Brenner, artistic director Pivô (São Paulo) and lead advisor Kadist (Paris); Valentine Umansky, curator Tate Modern (London). 

In these sessions the artists will also meet representatives of the project partner institutions with which the winning films will be co-produced: Etienne Bernard, director FRAC Bretagne (Rennes); Stefano Collicelli Cagol, director Centro per l’Arte Contemporanea Luigi Pecci (Prato); Alessandro Rabottini, artistic director Fondazione In Between Art Film (Rome).

2. Conversation Room

In this space participants will be able to meet artists, curators, critics, producers and directors of international institutions during round tables and individual 40-minute meetings. Whether used as an opportunity to present portfolios or simply have a conversation, these are meant to be moments of dialogue that will foster the participants’ professional growth and extend their network of international contacts. Confirmed guests include Diego Marcon, among others.

3.  Festival

The participating artists are invited to attend the screenings, meetings and lectures included in the programme of the 17th edition of Lo schermo dell’arte – Cinema and Contemporary Art Festival. This year’s edition will feature works and live events by Garrett BradleySergio Caballero, Diego Marcon, Rosalind Nashashibi and Agnieszka Polska, among others. The programme also includes the world premieres of the works produced through the VISIO production fund 2023 by the artists Andro Eradze, Timoteus Anggawan Kusno and Valentin Noujaïm.

4. Streaming

A work by each of the VISIO participants will be presented online, from 13 to 24 November 2024, on Lo Schermo dell’Arte’s digital channel with MYmovies ONE.

1. Regulation

Artists are invited to submit a project for an original video work still in the early stages of development. There are no restrictions on the duration and/or format of the proposed work (single-channel, multi-channel installations, VR, augmented reality, etc.). Co-productions with museums, festivals, production companies or other international institutions are allowed.

Through the open call, curator Leonardo Bigazzi will select 8 artists who will be invited to Florence from the 13th to the 17th of November 2024 to develop their projects with the VISIO team. After the week-long residency, the participants will have until December 4th, 2024, to rework their proposals based on the feedback received during the meetings.

The 3 winning projects will receive €10,000 each and will be selected by December 22nd, 2024, by Leonardo Bigazzi in dialogue with the institutional partners who will co-produce the works: Centro per l’Arte Contemporanea Luigi Pecci (Prato), Fondazione In Between Art Film (Rome), and FRAC Bretagne (Rennes). An artist’s edition of the work produced will become part of the permanent collection of the co-producing institution. The additional € 5,000, made available by Human Company, will be awarded by the curator to one of the 3 winning projects on the basis of the project needs expressed in the application form.

The curator and the team of Lo schermo dell’arte will work closely with the winning artists, offering them all the necessary production support until the work is completed and delivered with English subtitles by October 1st, 2025.

The winning works will have their world premiere at Lo schermo dell’arte in 2025. The artists may eventually discuss with the curator the possibility of having the world premiere of the work at a major international film festival in 2025 (Cannes, Locarno or Toronto exclusively) before screening the film at Lo schermo dell’arte in November 2025. 

2. Selection

Candidates must be visual artists who:

● work with moving images as part of their artistic practice
● are under 35 years old (born in 1989 or after)
 are citizens or residents of one of the 46 member countries of the European Council + Kosovo (complete list)
● had a relevant number of solo and/or group exhibitions in the last 3 years
● have an excellent knowledge of the English language

In case of an artist collective, all members must meet the listed requirements and the collective must have a documented collaborative practice of at least 3 years. 

3. Application and Deadlines

Please download the application form here.

Together with the application form you must also submit the following files (in English):

● Production Budget (Annex A)
● Complete Curriculum Vitae (PDF)
● Portfolio with web links to previous video works (PDF)
● One portrait photograph with a resolution of at least 300 dpi (format: JPG or TIFF)

Optional Attachments:

a) Letters from institutional partners (museums, festivals etc.), producers and/or financiers involved 
b) Mood board, images and other visual aids
c) Links to video excerpts connected to the submitted work

The production budget (Annex A) consists of a detailed cost plan for the realization of the work. In the event that the production budget exceeds the amount of the VISIO Production Fund (€10,000), the economic contributions of other partners or co-producers must be indicated and documented. 

If a production company is attached to the project, the Application Form must be signed also by a representative of the company.

Before submitting the application, please be sure that all the links and passwords included in the portfolio and documents attached are valid. 

Applications must be sent to Beatrice Galluzzo at by Tuesday, July 9th, 2024, by 11.00 pm (Central European Time).

The eight selected artists will receive email notification by September 9th, 2024 at the latest.

The official opening of the sessions will be at 10.00 am on Wednesday, November 13th, and will end at 11.30 pm on Sunday, November 17th, 2024.

Participants must attend all events for the whole duration of the programme.

All meetings and seminars will be in English.

The selected artists will be granted:

 –  Pass providing access to all parts of the festival (screenings, streaming and lectures)
–  Participation in all sections of the programme
–  Hotel accommodation for six nights (November 12 – 18 | check-in on the 12th / check-out on the 18th
–  Travel reimbursement of up to €300 for the ticket to/from Florence

VISIO. European Programme on Artists’ Moving Images – 13th edition

with the contribution of
Regione Toscana – Giovani Sì – Toscanaincontemporanea2023

promoted and produced by
Lo schermo dell’arte

curated by
Leonardo Bigazzi

in collaboration with:
Centro per l’Arte Contemporanea Luigi Pecci (Prato)
Fondazione In Between Art Film (Rome)
FRAC Bretagne (Rennes)
and thanks to the additional support from Human Company

Photo Credits: Andro Eradze, Raised in the Dust, Film still, 2022, Video 4K, 8:12 min, commissioned by La Biennale di Venezia, courtesy of the artist and SpazioA

The participants are selected in partnership with:

  • Accademia di Belle Arti di Brera (Milan)
  • AV-arkki – The Centre for Finnish Media Art (Helsinki)
  • Careof (Milan)
  • Cité internationale des arts (Paris)
  • De Ateliers (Amsterdam)
  • Gasworks (London)
  • Hangar (Barcelona)
  • Künstlerhaus Bethanien (Berlin)
  • Le Fresnoy-Studio national des arts contemporains (Tourcoing)
  • Rijksakademie van beeldende kunsten (Amsterdam)
  • Spike Island (Bristol)
  • Städelschule (Frankfurt)
  • Villa Romana (Florence)
  • WIELS, Contemporary Art Centre (Bruxelles)


Lo schermo dell’arte – Cinema and Contemporary Art Festival 2024

is realized with the contribution of the main supporter Fondazione CR Firenze

in collaboration with Fondazione In Between Art Film, Fondazione Palazzo Strozzi, Centro per l’Arte Contemporanea Luigi Pecci, FRAC Bretagne, MYmovies, Accademia di Belle Arti di Firenze

Main Sponsor: Gucci

Sponsor: Human Company, B&C Speakers, Findomestic, Unicoop Firenze

The Festival is part of the programme 50 Days of Cinema in Florence